Sunday, April 10, 2011

Food,Friends, Family and more Food...with a side of anxiety

Well my wonderful husband threw me a "dinner party" last night. He made his famous carne asada tacos. They were perfect as usual. I ate 5!! count them 5 tacos! I also had his homemade rice and salsa and chips. It was soooo yummy!!! We had our friends the Anderson's and the Henson's over with their kids. The house was buzzing with kids running and laughing; I loved all the noise. I felt great comfort in the company and support for my BIG DAY tomorrow.
I'm very, very nervous. I keep trying to tell myself it's going to be ok and I will get through this, but I can't help feeling like I'm on death row awaiting my execution. It is the worst feeling ever! My husband has been so supportive. He tries to comfort me constantly and is very supportive of me taking anxiety meds to help calm my nerves if I need them. During church today he was whispering comforting scriptures in my ear, it was very sweet. I can do it...I can do it...I can do it....My husband has asked a few of our friends to come over tonight at 9 when he gets off work to give me a blessing. I really hope that our old bishop can come, his blessings have always given me great comfort.
Well one fun thing leading up to this surgery is that I have eaten whatever I've wanted. I've had Taco Bell. In N Out, Arby's, soda, soda, and more soda. I've even eaten more than my share of candy bars, and tonight I'm going to have one of my favorite dinners as my "last meal".....lobster and crab ravioli with Olive Gardens Alfredo sauce and bread sticks......oh it's soooo good. The way I see it...I might as well eat to my hearts content even if it's to my waists detriment....I won't be eating much for the next few weeks to come...I'm going to enjoy it while I can!!!
We have to leave for the hospital in the morning @ 5:45am. I need to be there at 6. Hopefully I wont have to wait to long in anxiety hell for them to begin....or I might just run screaming from the hospital.
Well....I hope to see my family on the other side and to be blogging in the next couple of days!

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